Do Big Trends Matter?

Not so much for us.

Bill Gates: "when we did the microprocessor revolution, there was nobody old. It's weird how old this industry has become".
Me: "I entered into the IT business in the mid 70s - still in its stone age. I did not know many young people working in the field of computational mathematics - amazing, how young this segment has become, especially in mathematical finance".

One of the outcomes of computational mathematics thinking is the distinction between the language of mathematics and its operational semantics. And conceptual revolutions take a while ... But, the question: axiomatic math or algorithmic math is not so relevant to young mathematicians. They are all programmers and know that abstraction is important but should not be overdone (do not become an abstract astronaut).
Numbers or symbols? Numbers AND symbols ... like in asymptotic math.

But let me look into this more general. How many people will use computers, smart devices,  ...? How old/young will they be? How many women? What languages? What platforms will they use? What programming environments?, ..

This long term trends matter for those who want to get multimillions of new customers. We want "thousand". They need to solve complex problems.

Paying full attention to the big trends, is playing the number game - we don't do that,

Microtrends matter much more to us: individual customer requirements, generic technologies that enable us to meet them, developers who are willing to drive them, platforms that are easy to use and support low cost of ownership solutions.

Yes, we see the new computing muscles coming, and the clouds, we see well designed apps on smart devices, ... but before we wait for the next big thing - the internet is here. It's now.

In our case, it connects users - UnRisk FACTORY users need an internet browser only, it is portable - they are on one operating system, and with smart devices our software goes where they go.

It opened a door to much more innovations - so, what is now also matters.